Where else can you find time travel, scary aliens, paradoxes, and an awful lot of running thanDoctor Who? Especially when all of these events and so much more can be found in the very first episode of the new series.
What scares me the most about Doctor Who is the show’s head writer. Steven Moffat has managed to boggle my mind beyond belief in the duration of forty-three minutes and leave me with even more questions than I had to begin with. Moffat’s prose can be seen in other shows he has written for; Jekyll scared the living daylights out of me with his fast-paced, modernised interpretation of the classic story of Jekyll and Hyde, and I had to watch Sherlock a countless number of times to fully understand each case, and each time, I’d learn something new. My favourite bit about Moffat’s creative style is that he can always get me to shout, “WHAAAAAAT?!?!” at the TV screen at the end of almost any of his episodes. And while Moffat’s brilliant mind scares me, I also love it.
What’s also quite scary? The new aliens! When I first heard about the Silence before this episode aired, I thought it would be like some sort of menacing storm that brings silence or something, but my idea was quite preposterous compared to the real thing. Upon watching the trailers, the Silence (or is it Silents?) were always blurry and somewhat obscured, and from that perspective, they reminded me of the aliens in the cantina band in Star Wars: A New Hope. But they’re a bit different in focus. Also, I thought they wouldn’t be able to talk, hence their name, but OH GOD THEY CAN SPEAK TELEPATHICALLY. And it’s so scary. It’s kind of like a mix between Darth Vader and the dementors. IN YOUR HEAD.

There are loads of memorable quotes in this episode! I just thought I should share with you my favourite ones:
“Look how cool this stuff is!” I suppose, yes, it looks cool. When Matt Smith puts on an astronaut helmet.
“I wear a Stetson now. Stetsons are cool.” Oh no, another piece of millinery for the Doctor to try on. I bet the Doctor’s going to have a ginormous haberdashery of hats with which he’ll constantly add to over the years.
“Hippie!” “Archeologist.” Quite literally hilarious.
“I’m your new undercover agent on loan from Scotland Yard. Codename: The Doctor. These are my top operatives: The Legs, The Nose, and Mrs Robinson.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Okay, is it safe to ask questions now?
-Who is the astronaut?
- I have the slight feeling that it could be River from the future because of the tip-off in Flesh and Stone back in series 5 that she killed a “very good man”. However, I’ve been hearing other theories that it could possibly be Amy’s baby…
-Amy’s pregnant?
- NOT AGAIN! We saw in the Dream Lord episode! Because I’ve seen this happen before, it didn’t come as a shock to me as Moffat probably wanted to. But really? No. Just, no.
-How did the Silence even get to Earth? And what are they there for?
-So, the Doctor dies at his eleventh reincarnation?
- Forever? No more Doctor? Well, I sense a plot hole….Something’s up….
-WHAT HAPPENS?!?!?!?!?!? I can’t wait for part two!
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